10 things you need to know about FOOSHC

  1. Our program is a CHILD-LED Play-based program. Child- led doesn’t mean, “let the children do whatever they want!” It means set safe boundaries, acknowledge their needs, respect and value their opinions, share their joy, be excited in their interests, help them to manage and mitigate risks so they can make informed choices and empower them to be active participants in their community.


  2. We, as a service, have sponsored children all around the world through World Vision for over 25 years. Sanyu is from Nairobi our latest child. See her story on our information board.  We now sponsor food for change program assisting fellow Australians to access food across the country to help alleviate food insecurity across the nation.


  3. We are rated Excellent under the National Quality Framework, the highest rating an Education and Care service can have. We are the first OOSHC in the ACT to receive this rating., and it’s the second time we’ve received this award.  Find out more about the Framework here.

  4. Our program is based on Playwork philosophy, and our staff receive specialised training in this area.  Find out more about Playwork here.

  5. Our School Holiday Program always comes out Friday night Week 7 after COB.


  6. Our website has all the latest news and forms available for your downloading.


  7.  We are an independent Not-For-Profit business ran separately from the school and are managed by a group of committed volunteer parents from the Forrest School Parents & Citizens Association. We have been in operation since 1976. We are always looking for new families to join us on our management committee so please drop us a line if you are interested.


  8. As we are a separate business, the school isn’t allowed to tell us when your child is going to be absent from care (ACT Dept of Education rules,  not ours). You need to inform us by email or telephone before 2pm on that day or you will be charged a non-notification fee.


  9. Our values at FOOSHC are Respect and Kindness. We demonstrate these values to the children and their families and expect the same from the children and our community.


  10. 2023 Enrolment forms come out in early October. Everyone needs to re-enrol no matter how long your child has been coming to FOOSHC. It’s important you sign and return your forms immediately. We do have a priority access guideline we have to follow according to DESE.

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Forrest School P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held  on Thursday 6th March 2025 6pm. All positions will be declared vacant

We have created another exciting school holiday program for January School holidays with an incredible mix of old favourites and exciting new adventures to kickstart the year!

At Fooshc, we are committed to protecting and promoting the rights, safety, and wellbeing of all children and young people.