
 Uniform orders

Forrest P&C Association run the uniform shop and aim to keep prices to a minimum. The shop facilitates a self-serve, second-hand uniform market to encourage recycling and benefit families. Forrest P&C is a volunteer-run association and any funds raised from uniforms go to projects that benefit Forrest Primary students.

Please order uniforms from the online shop below or see our second-hand cupboards outside the junior school.

wearing the uniform

Students are encouraged to wear the Forrest Primary uniform. This is particularly important at all outside public activities, performances, and excursions.

The uniform colours are red, yellow and grey. There’s a range of options for students to choose from. See below for pictures of each item. 

Enquiries: Uniform Shop Manager, Marina Spurgin, email: uniforms@forrestpandc.com.au 

Follow us on Facebook to keep informed of all P&C activities www.facebook.com/ForrestPrimaryPandC

Uniform shop hours

Open Mondays
(except public holidays)

Deliveries to classroom Fridays or
Collect from the shop during opening hours.


uniform categories