Five important things you need to know about FOOSHC

1.     We love you and miss you a lot!!!!!   We have been making videos to send to you all in the next few weeks to show you how much we miss you all, so stay tuned.

2.     Our Management Committee have been awesome trying to navigate through these difficult times keeping us afloat with staffing arrangements, funding packages, health & safety and providing moral support,  all whilst trying to hold down their own full-time jobs.  You guys Rock!

3.     We will be open for a limited School Holiday Program (SHP)  with only 22 places available due to staffing limitations. Priority will be give to families who are essential workers and cannot care for their children at home, and/or children who are vulnerable or at risk.  We apologise if your child does not  get a place but we are trying our best under awful circumstances.( see attached SHP booking form)

4.     We are awaiting to see what happens in Term 2 but for now we have suspended all your bookings so no charge to you as families and your bookings are on hold.  

5.     As according to the Government’s COVID 19 Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package (ECECRP) there will be no childcare charges to families and services will receive 50% funding to keep them in operation. We are still trying to navigate through this package and how it will affect FOOSHC but rest assured we will get through it together , shining brighter than we have ever done before.    

Thank you for all your patience and support, please keep safe for us, send our love to your babies- we truly do miss them so much!

Much Love

Ali and Fooshc team  

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Forrest School P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held  on Thursday 6th March 2025 6pm. All positions will be declared vacant

We have created another exciting school holiday program for January School holidays with an incredible mix of old favourites and exciting new adventures to kickstart the year!

At Fooshc, we are committed to protecting and promoting the rights, safety, and wellbeing of all children and young people.