FOOSHC Re-opening

As you would have heard, in recent days the ACT Government has announced the staged return to school as follows

Week 4 (18th May 2020)          –            Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2

Week 5 (25th May 2020)          –            Year 3 and Year 4

Week 6 (2nd June 2020)            –            Year 5 and Year 6

As per our last communique FOOSHC will recommence services in line with Forrest Primary returning to face to face teaching. As such FOOSCH services will recommence on the 18th May for both Before and After School Care Services.

All enrolments held in term 1 prior to COVID – 19 service suspensions will remain in place and as such any additional days of care sought outside permanent bookings will be subject to availability.

Over the next few months, our biggest concern is staffing of FOOSHC services to ensure we are within prescribes ratio requirements. As a vast majority of our staff are university students a number have left Canberra during this time and as such may not be available for rostering and as a consequence of this numbers of enrollments will need to be carefully managed.

As such, both before and after school care will NOT be able to accommodate children who have not attended school on that day.

To assist with our planning, can you please advise, through return email no later than COB Wednesday 13th May 2020, of your intention to utilise FOOSCH services in line with your current enrolments up until the end of term 2.

We thank you for your understanding over the past few weeks with the suspension of services however during this time FOOSHC has taken advantage of the time to undertake professional development and undertake repairs and maintenance to ensure our service is first class.

We look forward to welcoming our families back in the near future

Yours faithfully

Jarrod Fitzgerald
President Forrest P & C

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