Fooshc Vacation Care program OPEN next week

Just to give you an update about Vacation Care Program for next week. We are planning on being OPEN ! However if smoke levels rise again to hazardous levels and we cannot keep the children safe inside we maybe need to close again. Obviously, we will try out best to give you as much notice as possible.  But we do  ask parents to be mindful that we may be forced to close again so  make sure their contact numbers are correct in case we need to contact you.  We always do what is in the best interest of the child, no compromises on that!

This week I have been meeting with our team and we have come up with some alternatives IF we are unable to attend our planned excursions. (ie: bloch haus on monday. If bloch haus is closed all children will go ice-skating together. There may be a new excursion form to sign when you  drop off)

We have cancelled our excursions to the cotter as we have deemed it too much of a risk with potential smoke and fires. But all other excursions will be assessed prior to departure on a daily basis and we will do our best to communicate this to you.

A lot of the days  of the vacation care program is  booked out. The best way to check if there is any availability is by email-

The school is currently renovating the corridors so please be careful when entering and making your way through the building.

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