Dear FPS Families,

We are now accepting enrolments for the July School Holiday program! The FOOSHC team have come up with an exciting program ranging from creating and learning to throw boomerangs with our indigenous friend Aaron from Dreamtime connections, climbing at BlocHaus, ice-skating, jumping at inflatable world, and celebrating Christmas in July just to name a few activities!

It’s first in, first served – book quickly to ensure your child’s place!

Visit www.forrestpandc.com.au/forms/, complete and return your forms to the FOOSCH office or by email at info@fooshc.org.au

Booking close Sunday 20th June COB.

Happy Holidays Everyone!


Ali and the amazing FOOSCH team

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Please complete our FOOSHC family survey below. Can you help- we are seeking feedback about our service and ways we can grow and develop

We have another exciting jam packed;  adventure filled School Holiday Program thanks to the amazing Fooshc team. Bookings fill quickly so book

Just a reminder Fooshc usually shuts down for a three week period over the Christmas/ New year period. We will be closed