As you know, we like to provide wholesome, nutritionally-dense and quality whole-from-the-ground foods prepared by our talented cook Amy to children at FOOSHC. Over the past months, we have been critically reflecting on ways we can improve our practices to ensure we are offering the highest quality foods possible. We have been considering every component from sustainability, ethical practices, animal welfare, culturally inclusiveness, Australian dietary guidelines, and supporting local businesses and farmers as much as possible.

We would like to share with you some of our changes and encourage you all to share any ideas or suggestions you might have – or perhaps even some more family favourite recipes for us to try! We try and incorporate as many vegetables as possible into our menus – for example when we making a “sometimes” food like chocolate brownies we use a grated zucchini and cacao recipe. We also always offer fresh drinking water that children can access at all times on our Wellness trolley. After eating, the children vote on the food each day by placing their cutlery in one of three washing up buckets indicating whether they liked it, didn’t like it, or were undecided. The children also provide written feedback on the comments wall. We take everyone’s feedback very seriously, so thank you for your contributions thus far!
We are excited to share the below links to our new milk and produce providers:
Our milk provider is now the Big Little Dairy company, a family-owned single-sourced, award-winning supplier who has sound ethical and sustainable practices, They have 800 cows, all known by name, and each litre of milk can be traced to each individual cow. You can read more about them here:

We try and buy as much of our fruit and vegetables from Pialligo, obviously this is seasonal. We buy apples, pears, quinces, oranges, pumpkins, carrots, onions, cauliflowers etc.
Our apple, pear, and quince supplier is Beltana Grange Orchard though we sometimes use other orchards such as Pialligo Estate to buy fresh vegetables too.
We have recently changed our meat supplier to Home Grown Meats
Home Grown Meats uses cattle bred and raised on Pat’s farm in Murrumbateman. Pat’s farm specialises in Angus Beef and the team focuses on bringing you quality, local grass-fed meats.
Grass-fed meat is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, healthy fats, extra Omega-3 and CLA (which is a nutrient associated with lowering heart disease)!

Let us know if you have ideas, suggestions, or feedback!