New FOOSHC Staff – Please welcome Alice and Olivia!

Dear Families,

We just wanted to update you on staffing at FOOSHC, as you will notice we have some new faces around our place. As you know,  we are committed to giving back to our community and have created pathways over the years for X- Forrest students to come back and work for us.  We employ local High school and college students that we train up and develop their skills for the workforce and in return, they commit to working at FOOSHC for long periods. This mutually benefits all of us –  the children, the families, and our community. 

Our recent employment initiative is to employ staff with varying abilities. We see this as a true indication of inclusion. We recently employed two new educators Olivia and Alice, who both have Downs Syndrome. We have developed an employment program and partnered with ACT Downs Syndrome Association and Workways Employment agency to help us support staff with varying abilities to work in our service. We believe that true inclusion needs to be genuine and transparent so the children have the opportunity to experience and develop authentic relationships with a variety of people in their life.

In support of Olivia and Alice, I have attached their staff profiles and supporting letters for your perusal and encourage you to introduce yourself to them. We are all very excited about having them on board and the children have done an amazing job helping them settle into our service.

Yours in Forrest,

Ali and the amazing FOOSHC Team

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