FOOSHC October Update

Dear Families,

We hope you are doing well and surviving lockdown. We are excited lockdown will be coming to an end and we get to see your smiling faces again soon. We have missed you a lot but we are also conscious of what the new covid normal will bring.  

We will be opening back up to all families now school is going back,  starting next week Monday 25th October for Years K,1,2,6 and then Week 5 Monday 1st November for Years 3,4,5 so everyone will be back together.

Accounts will be as per pre-lockdown, with statements being sent next week. If you WON’T be returning to FOOSHC, please let us know urgently. We still require the usual two weeks’ notice.

Enrolment for 2022 is now open. Yes, you must re-enrol each year. It is a legal requirement that we require a new form every year. We have made the form with electronic pre-fill options thanks to parent feedback to ease the hassle. Bookings will be tight so please get in early. As you know we are required to adhere to DESE priority access guidelines as well as our own policies. The 2022 enrolment form can be accessed HERE.

Enrolment forms are always available on our website  along with lots of other resources for families as well as other information about our service. We also have a Facebook page- Forrest Out of School Hours Care. Are you following us?

We are pleased to confirm we have been successful in winning the tender to run FOOSHC again and will be negotiating with the ACT Department of Education around space and conditions in the coming weeks.

We were sad to bid Lachlan farewell last week as he leaves the sector and tries his hand in contract work. We have been interviewing for a replacement Ass Director and should have some news to share next week. Carl, our other Assistant Director, and Kylie and Patrick will still be around if you need to chat.

Floriade at Fooshc has been a big hit and we thank all the children and families who helped us plant the hundreds of bulbs. I have included a pic below. Beautiful!!!!

We hope you all enjoyed the video we made for the children and families in lockdown. If you missed it here’s the link again –

Covid-19 Response Plan – We will continue to implement our Covid- 19 response plan, (available on our website) to try and keep your children safe. We will be following ACT Health guidelines and the ACT government Roadmap. All Fooshc staff are now fully vaccinated. Children Pick up will still be from the front door waiting area and extra infection control procedures will be in place including staff wearing masks. Bubblers will not be accessible so please make sure your child has a drinking bottle for water. Of course, we will still be providing water on our Wellness station and Amy our cook will still be providing delicious wholesome afternoon tea. We are very mindful the children will be adjusting to their new routine and maybe exhausted in the coming weeks. Please do not send them if they are not well.

Not long now friends,  please take care!

Regards, Ali and the Amazing Team at FOOSHC

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